Creating Beautiful Audiograms for Instagram and YouTube
Repurposing your episode is key to growing your podcast. People love to look at beautiful visuals. So I'm building a better way to create audiograms.
I didn't get around to writing a full article this week, but this will be a sneak peek at the next tool I'm building and why.
Audiograms are just nice. They give potential listeners a quick way to tune in, and you can display additional information on them. I have seen so many audiograms online and I found the ones that come out of the box with other tools quite boring.
I don't want to create audiograms that are seen as click bait. I think it's most important to communicate what the episode is about. The key takeaways, for example. Most of the time you see audiograms with the podcast logo in the background. That's fine, but I don't think it's necessary. It's all about being as compelling as possible in the second someone sees your post. I will provide the option to use your podcast's logo, but also an option with very attractive backgrounds that are just stunning.
Have a look for yourself:
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